This electric tricycle is custom designed to be the best folding tricycle of it type on the market. Based off of our Fold and Go Tricycle our Fold and Go Electric Deluxe has a three speed coaster brake and a Bafang electric Hub Motor. Never heard of Bafang? Bafang is the highest quality electric hub motor manufacture in China producing over six hundred thousand motors. We add a 36 Volt 9Ah Lithium Ion battery located under the basket of the tricycle. The Bafang motor is so strong it will literly burn rubber on take off, so if you choose not to pedal the motor is plenty strong enough for your needs.Our tricycles are simply lighter, stronger, and of higher quality construction that any tricycle made of similar design. The Fold and Go is perfect for people who wish to transport there tricycle often and need a convent folding tricycle that can be stored in a small space. Our low step through frame makes this tricycle ideal for senior citizens, mobility challenged people, and people who have balance issues. The Fold and Go is loved by everyone from kids to grandparents. Not only is the Fold and Go perfect for shorter riders it is ideal for people between 4'-6'' and 6'-0''. 65.5 Lbs.
You Tube Assembly Video
Fold and Go Assembly