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Bought this husky a few weeks ago for hualing my tools around the shop. I ordered my trike with a platform on the back so I could carry my tool box around. I highly reccomend getting the solid tires, they have saved me from getting flats around all of the metal shavings on the ground. So far I havent had any issues with this trike holding up on the job.
This trike has to be the heaviest duty tricycle on the market. Everything about this trike is very well made. I have compared this trike to other brands that are on the market and I feel the Husky T-326 is not only the best quality on fit an finish but has a 100 Lbs higher weight capacity than any other trike. I added a front wheel motor kit to my trike and put the battery inside the basket. The basket is larger than all the other tricycle on the market as well. The rear axle is the thickest on the market and held to the trike frame with two massive pillow block bearings which is better than running the axle through the frame. The trike come with 26x2.125 wide tire and fenders with reflectors built in. The chain and chain ring are extra thick compared to a standard bike chain. I needed an extra strong fork to handle the torque of my motor kit and the T-326 fork has held up fine. Wheels take a lot of punishment on a trike and that is where most people will have a problem. The wheel on the T-326 are very heavy duty, both the spokes and rim are extra thick and the bearings are all sealed. If you need a heavy duty tricycle I feel this is the tricycle to buy.