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Price is very good compared to other hand cycle on the market. The seat is very comfortable and the trike is well made. I had to take it back to the bike shop where I purchased the trike and tell them it was too difficult to crank up the hills by my home. The bike shop offered a couple of solutions, first being that the front wheel could be changed to a five or seven to get me the lower gears I needed but that was fairly expensive. I opted to change the front gear on the wheel to a larger size and add a couple pieces of chain which was an inexpensive solution. I am using this arrangement now and it seems to work for me but if I lived in a more hilly area first gear would probably not be low enough. Sun just need to rethink the gearing in this trike or offer it with a five speed or speed hub.
I bought this hand cycle for my special needs son a few months ago. The trike is very nice for the money but lacks alot of the quality of the much higher price trikes. Overall it does provide my son with the oprtunity to get out side and enjoy a from of cycling.